Root Canal Treatment in Galle


Some people fear root canals because they worry about the pain, the cost, and the time involved. . Professor Ganananda Nanayakkara at Specialized Dental Clinic Galle compassionate care at an affordable price for patients in , Sri Lanka , who suffer acute dental pain. We know you need instant help, and we offer same-day appointments including evenings and weekends so that you can feel better quickly. Call or schedule an appointment online and get relief today.


What is a root canal?

Endodontic treatment, also known as root canal treatment, is performed to save infected teeth by removing invading bacteria from their canals. During a root canal procedure, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed, and the space inside the tooth is cleaned and disinfected before being filled and sealed.

A root canal treatment at Specialized Dental Clinic Galle is very similar to a routine filling and can usually be completed in one or two appointments depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal circumstances because we use the most advanced instrument and techniques. Root canal treatment is quick, minimally uncomfortable, and highly effective. It won’t be long before you can bite and chew normally again.


What are the symptoms and causes 

Root canal infections typically cause pain, swelling, and extreme sensitivity to temperature for several days. Pulpitis in the mouth could also be the cause of persistent discomfort when chewing food.


Root canal infections can have many origins, but they all begin with damage to a tooth. Infections of the root canal system can be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to: a damaged tooth’s outer enamel, a fractured tooth root, damage to the tooth pulp (with or without damage to the tooth’s exterior), or a tooth that has undergone multiple dental procedures. Nonetheless, tooth decay is the most common reason for a root canal infection. Therefore, early cavity treatment and preventing abnormal biting forces (orthodontic treatment or a night guard) are the best preventive measures.

Will a root canal hurt during or afterward?

Since anesthesia is administered, a root canal should be tolerable for the patient. Some patients may experience mild discomfort after the procedure; however, common pain relievers like Motrin can alleviate any discomfort.

Professor Ganananda Nanayakkara and the rest of the staff at Specialized Dental Clinic Galle are experts at performing root canals using state-of-the-art equipment and methods. You can call (+94) 077 772 1550 or Whats App anytime, day or night, if you think you might need a root canal.